PWN Copenhagen is very pleased that we have entered an official collaboration

with the IESE Business School (IESE).

The cooperation between PWN Copenhagen and IESE opens up access to each other’s physical

and online events in Denmark (and elsewhere). IESE regularly organizes online master classes and

sessions of interest and relevance to PWN Copenhagen. More information is here

Learn, Connect, Share, Collaborate

Become a member today! 

Join the most dynamic and forward-looking non-profit organization in Copenhagen and empower and elevate your role as a woman in the professional landscape. We are your community come meet us! 

We foster gender diversity, equity, and impactful leadership within the city's business and professional community, we recognize the unique challenges and opportunities that women face in various industries and sectors. 

With a commitment to breaking down barriers, challenging biases, and amplifying women's voices, the network strives to create an environment where women can thrive and excel.

Be part of transformative initiatives and get to know other professionals like-minded in: the Event series, the Mentorship Program, the Entrepreneurship Circle, Women's leadership, and Industry Hubs. Each of these initiatives, while distinct in its objectives and offerings, shares a common goal: to uplift and amplify the voices of women in their respective spheres.


Join our community for free See membership details

3496 events globally

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Join the PWN Team: Volunteer for Impactful Events!

Are you passionate about fostering professional growth and networking opportunities? PWN Copenhagen is seeking enthusiastic volunteers to help bring our events to life! It's a fantastic opportunity to be at the heart of empowering professional gatherings, where you'll play a vital role in crafting memorable and impactful experiences.

Are you interested? Please fill out our volunteer form here. We're excited to have you join us and work together to create outstanding PWN events!

What's Hot #01

Survey reveals progress towards gender equality

Women have more independence, and a greater portion of men are involved in the housework in 2019 than in 2015, according to a recently revealed survey conducted by USAID’s Nobo Jatra project and led by World Vision Bangladesh. 


What's Hot #02

What Is the ‘Broken Rung,’ and How Can Companies Fix It?

It’s just one promotion. What’s the big deal? Historically, women getting passed over for promotions early in their careers can translate into a very big deal. When fewer women get promoted to management positions earlier in their careers, it follows that there are fewer women to promote to...


What we offer

  • General Events 
    General Events 

    We create spaces for meaningful interactions and learning. Talented speakers bring to our ...

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  • Mentorship Program
    Mentorship Program

    CAREER EXPEDITION PROGRAM: Mentorship for women, by women. From August 26th to November...

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  • Entrepreneurs Circle
    Entrepreneurs Circle

    The Entrepreneurs Circle offers round tables online with different topics it’s a monthly...

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  • Industry Hubs 
    Industry Hubs 

    Industry Hubs spotlight the role of women in specific sectors. Empower women in specific i...

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  • Book Club
    Book Club

    We are happy to announce that PWN Copenhagen is starting a new collaboration with PWN Oslo...

    Read more

PWN Global Newsletter: Q2 2024

In this edition we launch our Global Women on Boards Programme and learn about how PWN in France is leading the way in attracting male allies to their Boardrooms. 

Read the full newsletter, here


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