PWN Copenhagen Web3, Crypto and NFTs: What they are, what they aren’t, and where to get started

28 September 2022 09:00 CET - 10:30 CET Djøf

Most of us have heard of cryptocurrencies by now, but what are they really? With so much buzz

about the decentralized future while at the same time there is news about crashes and schemes,

it can be difficult to know whether to take them seriously as a currency.

Then there are articles talking about NFTs as the solution to protecting artists rights in digital

artforms, while we see cat memes selling as NFTs for 10’s to 100’s of thousands of Euros while

being copied across the internet.

All this falls under the transition from Web2 to Web3, but isn’t the web just another word for the

internet? What’s the difference?

Come grab some breakfast and join Henrik Grubak, Co-founder of, Jens Warnez,

Head of Product at, and Anneli Bartholdy, Product Manager for Web3 at and President of PWN Copenhagen, as they explain the basics as well as

debate the good, bad, and in between of the crypto, NFT, and Web3 space. You don’t need any

previous knowledge of crypto to join, and will have a chance to ask questions in this informal

morning setup.

Event details

Gothersgade 133, København K, Capital Region 1123
Member price
DKK0 per attendee
Non-member price
DKK250 per attendee
Other details
Time: 8:30-9:00 Check in and refreshments
Time: 9:00-9:05 Welcome
Time: 9:05-10:00 Presentation and speaker discussion with audience Q&A
Time: 10:00-10:30 Coffee and networking
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